No Equipment Exercises To Keep You Running Injury Free
I have really been struggling to post lately. In a time of global pandemic when there are so many bigger problems going on I haven't really justified why my input on anything could be valid in a time like this. I have a sea of draft blog posts that I haven't been able to bring myself to post but I think I finally decided on a topic that could be useful to anyone out there who is looking to keep running during this time to keep their sanity. All of these are exercises you can do without any equipment and in any amount of space you have available. So now that your races are cancelled and you can back off on training... DO YOUR PREHAB!!! Hips and Glutes Let's start with the hip and glute area. Have you ever seen someone running and it looks like their knees are knocking together? It's all in the gluteus minimus! Strengthening all of these muscles allows for a generation of power along with preventing the hips from collapsing and causing knees from rolling inward pl...