Are You Ready for a Spring Marathon?

Are You Ready for a Spring Marathon? The Boston Marathon is scheduled for Monday April 20th, 2020 and if you subtract 18 weeks (typical marathon training plan) then you find yourself at December 23rd. So why is that significant? Well, if you live in a location that is in a typically warmer climate zone then there is nothing too significant about the months of December through April. If you live in an area with snow, ice, consistently below zero temperatures, and consistently covered roads and sidewalks, then you might find yourself in a completely different situation. As I was dodging puddles, ice patches and cars on my run today I was reminded why I chose to not sign up for a Spring marathon this year. Playing the game of "How am I going to get my long run in today" or "Do I do my 10 mile tempo on the treadmill to ensure good footing?" was something I wasn't willing to commit to this year. Freezing temperatures, minimal sunlight and poor sidewalk conditio...