A high school teacher, a high school coach, a personal running coach and a runner enthusiast sharing some insight on healthy running, training tips and my personal journey navigating through the running community.
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Disclaimer: I received a pair of WhitePaws RunMitts to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro ambassador, and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews! When I received my pair of RunMitts to test out there just happened to be a Polar Vortex ripping through Wisconsin. I put these things through a full and comprehensive test within the first week. I'm talking negative windchill, snow, ice, snot and sweat. All of the joys of winter running. And now that the weather is back above zero degrees and spring is starting to appear, I still am using my RunMitts frequently. I can't wait to share my experience with you! Design and Fit The design of the RunMitt is a full mitt that goes over your fingers AND thumb. It looks like a mitten but your thumb gets sunggled up with your other fingers. The top of the mitt is a flip top so that if you need some temperature control or you need access to your FULL HA...
Disclaimer: I received the ROAD iD Sidekick ID and badges to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro ambassador and check out BibRave.com to review, find and write race reviews! I've had quite a few instances of ,"whoa that car got a little too close" on my runs (sorry, Mom!) And while I am consciously aware of what side of the road I am running on, weather conditions or the remoteness of where I am running I am aware that there are a variety of things that can happen. You also hear about cases of people having an unknown condition and having something unexpected happen to them while they are out running. It's not a very pleasant subject but it's naive to believe that we are invincible to something of that nature. I received a ROAD iD Sidekick to test out and that fit the part to give my family a little extra peace of mind to be notified right away in case something happened to me. The Sidekick slid right ...
Disclaimer: I received the Science in Sport REGO Rapid Recovery in chocolate and strawberry to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro ambassador, and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews! I have been searching high and low for sources of protein. I wrote a blog a while back on May 4th on my own research about proper fueling, fasting and fad diets. What are those things actually doing to our bodies and how men and women respond differently. Check it out here for more information! To sum it up, we have a recovery window in which we need to consume about 20 grams of protein (for men) and 30-40 grams of protein (for women). Trying to get 30-40 grams of protein takes a ton of effort and since that research I did for that blog (posted of May 4th) I have been trying out different things to meet that 30 gram mark. Getting 30-40 grams of protein right after a workout requires a conscious effort ...
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